Andy Vantine, CFA

Principal, Director of Credit Strategy Research

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Andy is responsible for the leadership of Atrato Consulting’s research and due diligence efforts across all alternative credit and related strategies in both public and private markets.  His expertise includes private credit, direct lending, structured credit, distressed debt, hard and real estate lending, and royalties-related strategies. 

Prior to joining FLP, Andy led the alternative credit research effort for Atrato Advisors LLC.  Previously, he was the co-head of hedge fund research at Chi-Rho Financial, an Atlanta-based alternative investment firm.  At Chi-Rho, he led the team responsible for sourcing, evaluating, and ongoing manager surveillance, with a heavy emphasis on structured credit, distressed, and direct lending strategies.  Andy was also responsible for portfolio construction across Chi-Rho’s suite of funds, and was a member of the firm’s investment committee. 



BA Economics, Wake Forest University


Investment Consulting Sub-Committee
Investment Advisory Sub-Committee